I find this website very easy to navigate. There is just enough simplistic design that does not interfere with your overall objective of visiting the website. On the homepage, the eye is drawn to some squares that rotate to new clothes, and then to others that are stationary. This website is visually clean, airy, light, basic, and interactive. This navigation allows you to find what you need/want easily and allows you to explore.The content is direct, focused, organized, basic, and structured. Some of these attributes are the same as the visual adjectives, which complementing the purpose.
It is extremely easy to find what you are looking for, or to go back to the homepage. It is easy to find new/seasonal products or products on sale. Despite the ease of drop down menus, there is also a giant search bar at the top of the page. I feel engaged and enticed with this website. The contrast with the red and white colors with the little bit of interactivity on the page allows the customers eye to flow downward while shopping. This website sells clothes, and I have purchased via online and retail stores. My main reason for shopping online is the ease and overall convenience.
This is one of my favorite websites because is your 'all-in-one' travel site. The eye is drawn to the top bar, which gives you options for travel such as hotels, flights, cars, packages, and deals. This is definitely the most important part of the website, because as a user it allows you to go straight to what your looking for, without a hassle of navigating a website. kayak.com is simple, clean, sensible, typical, and consolidated.
The website will find your travel needs, comparing prices from other websites. It is practical, logical, direct, well-spaced, and well-formatted which works cohesively with the visual aesthetics of the website. It has limited graphics and images, usually displaying the airlines, hotels, etc. It is almost too easy to find what you are looking for. It gives you select options in terms of how many people are traveling, for how long, etc. Usually, I do not have to be on this website for too long, because I have specific criteria and a budget, which will be accommodated by the search output. I have used Kayak multiple times to find a hotel or flight with great success.
Teamtreehouse.com is and awesome place to find tutorials. The eye focuses on the content of the page, while having the navigation bars accessible. The site is engaging, colorful, fluid, bright, and exciting. This website allows your to complete course work and tutorials to learn various computer software/technology/code. It is meant to be informative, engaging, fun, guiding, and structured. The weskit does feel well-structured and does allow you to find what you are looking for rather quickly, and even allows you to create map and gage how long the course will task you.
It has great accessibility standards that allow one to speed or slow a video, with notes and transcript. After being on the website for a while, it does feel engaging and exciting because it offers a lot of material to learn from. I have purchased sometime to learn code with them, and hope to use them for my future coding endeavors.